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Working Papers
Silver, I., Small, D. A., Goodwin, G. Self-Censorship and the Strategic Omission of Facts from Communication. Under Review.
Mackin, M. & Silver, I.*** Harnessing ingroup disagreement to reduce outgroup hostility. Under Review. ***Equal first authorship
Wang, F., Silver, I., & Mellers, B. The illusion of effective discussion in group judgment and advice-taking.
Published and In Press
Geiser, A., Silver, I., & Small, D. A. (In Press). Reluctance to downplay: Asymmetric sensitivity to differences in the severity of moral transgressions. Psychological Science.
Kirgios, E., Silver, I., & Chang, E. (2025). Does communicating measurable diversity goals attract or repel historically marginalized job applicants? Evidence from the lab and field. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. PDF
Silver, I., & Berman, J. Z. (2024). What drives disagreement about moral hypocrisy? Perceived comparability and how people exploit it to criticize enemies and defend allies. Cognition, 247, 105773. PDF
Silver, I., Small, D. A. (2024). Put your mouth where your money is: A field experiment encouraging donors to share about charity. Marketing Science, 43, 392-406. PDF
Berry, Z., Silver, I., & Shaw, A. (2023). Moral paragons but crummy friends: The case of snitching. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. PDF
Silver, I., & Small, D. A. (2023). On the wisdom and utility of (under)sociality: A consumer psychology perspective. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 33, 217-220. PDF
Silver, I., Shaw, A. (2022). When and why ‘staying out of it’ backfires in moral and political disagreements. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 151, 2542-2561. PDF
Silver, I. & Silverman, J.*** (2022). Doing good for (maybe) nothing: How reward uncertainty shapes observer responses to prosocial behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 168, 104113. PDF ***Equal first-authorship
Berman, J. Z., & Silver, I. (2022). Prosocial behavior and reputation: When does doing good lead to looking good? Current Opinion in Psychology, 43, 102-107. PDF
Silver, I., Mellers, B., & Tetlock, P. (2021). Wise Teamwork: Collective confidence calibration predicts the effectiveness of group discussion. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 96, 104157. PDF
Silver, I., Kelly, B., & Small, D. A. (2021). Selfless first movers and Self-interested followers: Order of entry signals purity of motive in pursuit of the greater good. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 31, 501-517. PDF
Silver, I., Newman, G. E., Small, D. A. (2021). Inauthenticity Aversion: Consumer reactance toward tainted actors, actions, and objects. Consumer Psychology Review, 4, 70-82. PDF
Silver, I., & Shaw, A. (2018). No harm, still foul: Concerns about reputation drive dislike of harmless plagiarizers. Cognitive Science, 42, 213. PDF
Silver, I., & Shaw, A. (2018). Pint-sized public relations: The development of reputation management. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 22, 277-279. PDF
Strickland, B., Silver, I., & Keil, F. C. (2017). The texture of causal construals: Domain-specific biases shape causal inferences from discourse. Memory & Cognition, 45, 442-455. PDF
Work ongoing
Silver I. From CSR to CSA: How cause controversy animates consumer responses to social purpose marketing
Silver, I., Geiser, A., & Small, D. A., Anatomy of a pile-on: Anchoring and escalation in moralistic punishment.
Silverman, J. & Silver, I. People display an unwarranted preference for numerically spread bets.
McCoy, A. D., Teeny, J., & Silver, I. Secondhand luxury ameliorates the costs of conspicuous luxury consumption, while preserving the benefits.